Press Kit

Welcome to the press kit page for Michigan Hypnosis Institute, LLC and the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution. This page provides members of the media with comprehensive information about my revolutionary weight-loss solution. Please find below the key details, assets, and resources for your coverage. For further inquiries or interview requests, please contact:

Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht, CAHA, MPNLP

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Phone: (313) 362-4111


Media Enquiries:


Facebook (Personal page):

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Twitter: @MIHypnosisInst

Twitter: @VSkinnyJab

Instagram: @MichiganHypnosisInstitute


Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution Overview:

The Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution is a comprehensive hypnotherapy program designed to help individuals improve their relationship with food, increase motivation, and remove unwanted habits, so that they can achieve sustainable weight-loss success. This holistic program, developed by certified clinical hypnotherapist Michael D. Milson, combines ideas and facts about weight loss, and proven techniques, similar to those found in Sheila Granger's (world-renowned hypnotherapist and also pioneer of the Virtual Gastric Band program) Weight-Loss Virtual Jab (Virtual Weight-Loss Injection) Program, Jonathan Royle's Pricknosis - The Needle Free Hypno Mind Jab Solution, and Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin. "I incorporate personalized sessions, guided audios, and ongoing support during the program, so that you can steadily achieve success toward your weight-loss goals with lasting results."

Key Benefits of the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution:

  • Sustainable Weight Loss: Achieve your ideal weight and maintain it without giving up your favorite foods.

  • Healthy Relationship with Food: Embrace mindful eating practices that promote balance, satisfaction, and nourishment.

  • Personalized Solutions: Receive a customized weight-loss program that addresses your specific goals and challenges, so that you can begin to lose weight in the first week.

  • Thriving Lifestyle: Create a healthy balance and thrive in every aspect of life while you are on your weight-loss journey.

  • Energized Body and Vitality: Enjoy a renewed sense of energy and vitality as you shed that unwanted weight and begin to see improvements in your overall health.

  • Empowered Food Choices: Break free from food cravings and take control of your choices, so that you can end the binge eating and late night snacking.

  • Lasting Results: Ignite your calorie-burning furnace, so that you can boost your metabolism for long-term weight-loss success.

  • Improved Well-being: Elevate your health and enjoy a vibrant lifestyle through positive lifestyle changes, so that you can finally be the ideal you that you've always wanted to be.

  • Boosted Confidence: Transform your self-image and boost your confidence as you begin to achieve your weight-loss goals.

  • Resilient Mindset: Harness the power of your mind for lasting change and develop a mindset that supports and reinforces your weight-loss journey every step of the way.

  • Sustainable Habits: Build healthy habits that last a lifetime and support your overall well-being, so that you don't fall back into that old pattern of self destruction.

  • Personal Growth: Experience a deep transformation from the inside out and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Photos/Videos of Michael

Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht - Award Winning Hypnotherapist
Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht
Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht - Headshot
Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht - Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Honors


Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution Logo
Virtual Skinny Jab ™ Weight-Loss Solution Logo
Michigan Hypnosis Institute, LLC Logo

Quotes by Michael D. Milson

  • Picture this, you wake up every morning feeling energized, slip into your favorite outfit with ease, and strut through the day with a renewed sense of self. That's what my program can do for you!

  • With the Virtual Skinny Jab™, you can achieve your weight-loss goals without giving up the foods you love. It's all about finding a balanced, sustainable approach to a healthier lifestyle.

  • When I look back at how far I've come, it's truly incredible. Making the decision to prioritize my health and well-being was the best gift I could give myself.

  • Quitting drinking pop completely was a game-changer for me. I can't even describe how much better I feel, both physically and mentally. It's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

  • I've always believed in the power of balance, and that's exactly what I've created with my Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution. It's not about depriving yourself of everything; it's about making healthier choices most of the time while still being able to enjoy the occasional indulgence, so that you can maintain a healthy lifestyle without becoming miserable in the process.

  • I used to be a picky eater and hate certain foods, but chicken and veggies have become my go-to meal, and I genuinely enjoy them. It's amazing how your taste buds can change when you cut back on sugar and nourish your body with the right foods.

  • I never thought I'd be here, sharing my success story and offering a solution that can change lives. But here I am, proof that the Virtual Skinny Jab™ works, and I can't wait to share it with everyone who needs it.

  • No more exhausting workout schedules! The Virtual Skinny Jab™ focuses on optimizing your metabolism and making small, realistic lifestyle changes that add up to significant weight loss.

  • Through my own weight-loss journey, I discovered the power of hypnosis and its ability to transform lives. Now, I create the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution, so that I could share that success with others, to help people create their own success stories and reclaim their health.

  • My program isn't about perfection—it's about progress. Every step forward, every healthy choice you make, brings you closer to your goals. It's all about celebrating those small wins along the way.

  • Everyone deserves to feel confident, vibrant, and comfortable in your own skin. With my Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution aims to help people achieve sustainable weight-loss success, so that they can embrace a whole new version of themselves.

  • I always say that weight loss is just the beginning. My program opens up a whole new chapter in your life—a chapter filled with confidence, self-love, and endless possibilities.

  • Some people let the fear of restrictive diets hold them back. My program the Virtual Skinny Jab™ teaches you how to nourish your body and enjoy your favorite foods guilt-free, so that you can achieve consistent and sustainable weight loss.

About Michael D. Milson

Michael began his career in hypnotherapy in 2014 after taking a distance education course and then began training remotely with multiple of the worlds leading hypnotherapist trainers over the last decade. In 2020 Michael attended the prestigious Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, CA, the first nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy in the US, for their clinical residency program. Graduating with Honors and awards in 2021 and a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy Michael went on to take a second year in their all-new Mind-Body Psychology program. In 2022 after again graduating with Honors, Michael became the first person in Michigan to graduate from both programs and with over 2,000 hours of total training and clinical internship, one of the top achievers in the school. Earning the Directors Award, Academic Achievement Award, and the Clinical Achievement Award.

Michael has most recently trained with world-renowned hypnotherapist Sheila Granger taking part in her new weight-loss jab hypnotherapy program and with Alex William Smith (aka Jonathan Royle) the UK's bad boy of hypnosis, training in his new Pricknosis program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution?

The Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution is a comprehensive hypnotherapy program designed to help you achieve your ideal weight and improve your relationship with food. This program combines proven techniques, including Sheila Granger's virtual weight-loss jab, with other effective tools to support long-term weight loss.

How does hypnotherapy help with weight loss?

Hypnotherapy for weight loss focuses on reprogramming your subconscious mind to change your relationship to food, adopt healthy eating habits, overcome emotional eating, and boost your motivation and confidence. By accessing the power of your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help you make positive changes and create a sustainable weight-loss journey. All without needing to give up the foods you enjoy.

What makes the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution different from other methods?

The Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution stands out due to its comprehensive approach and utilization of proven techniques. With over 3,000 hours of training and experience, Michael D. Milson, a certified hypnotherapist, combines Sheila Granger's virtual weight-loss jab techniques with personalized sessions, guided audios, and ongoing support to maximize your lifelong success.

Is the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution suitable for everyone?

Yes, the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution is suitable for individuals of all ages (over 18) and backgrounds. Since it involves safe and natural techniques without any side effects, it can be beneficial for anyone looking to lose weight and make lasting changes. However, it's important to consult your doctor before making significant lifestyle, dietary, or exercise changes, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

How long is the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution program?

We begin with a plan of 4 sessions, typically conducted over a four-week period. If that's all we need then awesome! Each session builds upon the previous one, allowing for steady progress and positive changes, while teaching you tools and techniques you can continue to use as needed. If there's value in continuing to work together, of course that's an option. My goal is to give you the most effective process in the most efficient use of your time.

What results can I expect from the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution?

While I cannot make any specific guarantees as everyone is unique, the Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution aims to help you achieve consistent and sustainable weight loss, which for most people is an average of about 1-2 pounds per week, with an average of up to 7lbs in the first week. Along with being able to shed those unwanted pounds, you may also begin to notice satisfaction at meal times after eating smaller portions, changes in your body shape and size, and improved self-confidence and self-esteem. The program also empowers you with the tools and resources to continue your success beyond the 4 sessions.

How Do I Know it Will Work?

The Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution is a comprehensive hypnotherapy program designed to help individuals improve their relationship with food, increase motivation, and remove unwanted habits, so that they can achieve sustainable weight-loss success. This holistic program, developed by certified clinical hypnotherapist Michael D. Milson, combines ideas and facts about weight loss, and proven techniques, similar to those found in Sheila Granger's (world-renowned hypnotherapist and also pioneer of the Virtual Gastric Band program) Weight-Loss Virtual Jab (Virtual Weight-Loss Injection) Program, Jonathan Royle's Pricknosis - The Needle Free Hypno Mind Jab Solution, and Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin. "I incorporate personalized sessions, guided audios, and ongoing support during the program, so that you can steadily achieve success toward your weight-loss goals with lasting results."

Are there any side effects or risks associated with the program?

Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural approach to weight loss with no side effects. However, it's important to prioritize your overall well-being. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it's recommended to consult with your doctor before starting the program. Michael D. Milson, as a certified hypnotherapist, prioritizes your safety and works within appropriate boundaries. If your goal is to lose a significantly large amount of weight, more than 20-30lbs or have existing medical conditions, you may be asked to get a signed confirmation from your doctor, stating that they don't see any issue with you losing weight and using hypnotherapy to do so.

Are dietary guidelines or exercise recommendations provided with the program?

The Virtual Skinny Jab™ Weight-Loss Solution primarily focuses on the psychological and behavioral aspects of weight loss, as well as working on boosting your metabolism and suppressing your appetite. While Michael D. Milson can offer general advice on healthier eating habits and regular exercise that has worked for him and people he knows, he cannot directly recommend specific things for his clients and he encourages clients to consult with their doctor or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations and exercise plans that suit their individual needs and potential medical conditions.

Media Contact

For media inquiries, interview requests, or further information, please contact Michael D. Milson, CC.Ht, at (313) 362-4111 or

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Disclaimer: The content provided on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This site offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. The author of this site is not a medical professional, dietitian, or mental health professional. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.